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A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860
0 6271412About the Author
- Name:
- Thomas Peckett Prest (1810-1859)
- Ref:

- Pseudonym:
- Bos
- Titles:
- A Legend of Old Saint Paul's
- A Legend of the Tower of London.
- A Maiden's Fame. or, a legend of Lisbon.
- Adelaide, or the victim of seduction.
- Admiral Benbow, or the earthquake in Jamaica.
- The Adventures of Valentine Vaux; or, the tricks of a ventriloquist.
- The Adventures of a Gentleman.
- Agnes the Unknown; or, the beggar's secret. A romance.
- Almira's Curse; or, the black tower of Bransdorf. A romance.
- Angelina; or, the mystery of St. Mark's Abbey. A tale of other days.
- Anselmo, the accursed; or, the skeleton hand! An original legendary romance.
- The Athenian Captive.
- Barnaby Budge.
- The Bayaderes, or, priestesses of Pondicherry.
- Ben Bolt; or, the perils of a sailor.
- The Black Domino
- Black Friday, or the natal star.
- The Black Inn of the Heath.
- The Black Legend of Rotherhithe, or, the horse and the ostler.
- Black-Eyed Susan; or, the sailor's bride. A nautical romance.
- Blanche Heriot; or, the Chertsey curfew. A romance.
- Blanche Langdale the outlaw's bride. A romance of Sherwood Forest.
- The Blighted Heart; or, the old priory ruins. A romance.
- Bound 'Prentice to a Waterman; or, the flower of Woolwich.
- The Brigand; or, the mountain chief. A romance.
- The Broken Chain, or the lady of Nuremberg.
- The Brute-Tamer of Pompeii.
- The Calendar of Horrors, an interesting collection of the romantic, wild, and wonderful
- The Charming Polly, or lucky and unlucky days.
- Clarisse; or, the merchant's daughter. A romance.
- The Convict: a romance.
- The Death Blow; or, the fatal knife.
- The Death Grasp; or, a father's curse. A romance of startling interest.
- The Death Ship; or, the pirate's bride and the maniac of the deep. A nautical romance.
- The Death Token.
- The Dice of Death.
- Don Juan of Austria
- The Dream of Fate, or Sarah the Jewess.
- The Dumb Man of Manchester.
- The Earl of Poverty; or, the old wooden house of London Wall
- Ela, the Outcast; or, the gipsy of Rosemary Dell. A romance of thrilling interest.
- Emily Fitzormond; or, the deserted one. A tale of mystery.
- Ernnestine de Lacy; or, the robber's foundling. An old English romance.
- Ethelinde; or, the fatal vow. A romance.
- Evelina, the Pauper's Child; or, poverty, crime and sorrow. A romance of deep pathos.
- Fatherless Fanny; or, the mysterious orphan. A tale of deep interest.
- Faust; or, the demon of the Drachenfels.
- The Fire of London; or, the doomed city.
- Florence; or, the wild mountain maid
- The Flowers of the Forest. A gisey (sic) story.
- The French in Egypt, and Bonaparte's passage of the deserts.
- Gallant Tom; or, the perils of a sailor ashore and afloat. An original nautical romance of deep and pathetic interest.
- Gaspard Hauser.
- Gaspardo, the Gondolier or the three banished men of Milan.
- Geraldine. Or, the secret assassins of the old stone cross. An original romance.
- Gertrude of the Rock; or, the mysterious hermit. An original old English romance.
- Gilbert Copley, the reprobate. A domestic romance.
- Gilderoy; or, the freebooter of Scotland. A romance.
- The Gipsy Boy. A romance of the woods and the wilds.
- The Gipsy's Warning.
- The Gnome Fly
- Grace Walton; or, the wanderers of the heath. An original domestic romance
- The Groves of Blarney.
- The Guide of the Tyrol.
- The Harvest Home. A romance.
- The Hebrew Maiden; or, the lost diamond. A tale of chivalry.
- The Highland Watch Tower; or, the sons of Glenalvon. A romance.
- Jack Junk; or, the tar for all weathers. A romance of the deep blue sea.
- James Crichton, of Clunie, and Catherine de Medicis.
- The Jew and the Foundling. A romance.
- Joan of Arc
- John Savile of Haysted.
- Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn. A romance.
- Kathleen; or, the secret marriage.
- The King's Wager, or the castle and the cottage.
- Kohal Cave, or the events of a year.
- The Lady of Lyons, or, love and pride.
- Leontine; or, Gerald the pedlar.
- The Life and Adventures of Oliver Twiss, the workhouse boy.
- The Lighterman of Bankside; or, the orphan of Bermondsey.
- The Lone Cottage; or, who's the stranger? A romance.
- Love's Sacrifice; or, the rival merchants.
- Luke Somerton; or, the English renegade. A romance.
- The Magazine of Curiosity and Wonder: a weekly miscellany of the surprising, remarkable, and astonishing.
- The Magic Flute.
- The Maid of Mariendorpt.
- The Maniac Father; or, the victim of seduction. A romance of deep interest.
- Marianne, the child of charity. A domestic romance.
- Mariette; or, the forger's wife and the child of destiny.
- The Mariner's Dream or, the Jew of Plymouth.
- Martha Willis; or, the maid, the profligate, and the felon. A romance.
- Mary Clifford; or, the foundling apprentice girl. A tale of deep interest.
- May Grayson; or, love and treachery. A romance.
- The Merchant of London.
- The Miller and his Men; or, the secret robbers of Bohemia. A powerful romance.
- The Miser of Shoreditch: or, the curse of avarice. An original historical legendary romance Of the Fifteenth Century.
- Mister Humfries' Clock. A miscellany of striking interest.
- My Poll and my Partner Joe; or, pretty Poll of Putney. A nautical romance.
- Naida; or, the goddess of El-Dorado.
- The New Historical Note Book; or, soldiers' and seamans' recorder.
- The New Terrific Register.
- Nickelas Nickelbery. Containing the adventures, mis-adventures, chances, mis-chances, fortunes, mis-fortunes, mys-teries, mis-eries, and mis-celleaneous manoeuvres of the family of Nickelbery.
- The Ocean Child; or, the lost vessel.
- The Ocean of Life; or, every inch a sailor.
- The Old House of West Street; or, London in the last century. A Romance Tale.
- One O'Clock; or, the knight and the wood demon.
- Paul the reckless; or, the fugitive's doom.
- The Pearl of the Ocean; or, the prince and the mermaiden.
- The Penny Play-Book; or, library of dramatic romance
- The Phantom Voice, or the doomed one of the hulk.
- Pickwick in America! detailing all the remarkable adventures of taat (sic) illustrious individual and his learned companions, in the United States; extraordinary Jonathanisms, collected by Mr. Snodgrass, and the sayings, doings, and mems, of the facetious Sam Weller
- Poor Little Jack; a nautical tale.
- The Post-Humourous Notes of the Pickwickian Club.
- Posthumous Papers of the Cadgers' Club.
- Rafael the Libertine.
- The Rake's Progress.
- Richard Parker; or, the mutiny at the Nore. A romance.
- The Robber's Wife. A domestic romance.
- Rosalie; or, the vagrant's daughter.
- The Royal Twins; or, the sisters of mystery.
- The Rye-House Plot, or the malster's daughter.
- Schamyl; or, the wild woman of Circassia. An original historical romance.
- The Sexton of Cologne; or, the burgomaster's daughter.
- Sindbad the Sailor, or the valley of diamonds.
- The Skeleton Lover.
- The Sketch Book containing a great number of highly interesting and original tales, sketches, &c. &c.
- The Smuggler King; or, the foundling of the wreck. A nautico domestic romance.
- The Smuggler's Gibbet, or, the maniac mother.
- St. Clair of the Isles, or the outlaw of Barra.
- St. Mary's Eve, or, a story of the Solway
- The Steel Pavilion; or, the charcoal burners of the Hartz.
- Susan Hoply; or, the trials and viscissitudes of a servant girl. A tale of deep interest.
- Valsha, the Slave Queen
- Vice and its Victim: or, Phoebe, the peasant's daughter. A romantic tale of real life.
- Wapping Old Stairs
- The Whistler, or, the fate of the lily of St. Leonard's.
- The Wife's Dream; or, a profligate's lesson.
- The Wife's Secret.
- William Tell.
- The Witch's Son.
- Woman's Wit. or love's disguises.
- The Wood Devil; or, the vampire pirate of the deep dell.
- The Wreck at Sea or, the Fern light-house.
- Zarah.
- Tales of Enchantment; or, the book of fairies. A collection of original stories of magic, necromancy and fairy land.
- Tales of Minstrelsy
- Tales of the Drama.
- Temptation; or, the mysterious casket. A legendary romance.
- The Tempter, or the old mill of St. Denis.
- Therese; or, the orphan of Geneva. A tale of deep interest.
- The Two Foscari.