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A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860
About the Library
Yale University Library
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
- Periodicals:
- Lloyd's Entertaining Journal (London).
- Lloyd's Penny Weekly Miscellany (London).
- Lloyd's Penny Atlas (London).
- Lloyd's Weekly Miscellany (London).
- London Journal (London).
- The London Pioneer (London).
- The Illustrated Penny Novelist (London).
- Parley's Penny Library (London).
- Editions:
- A Lady in Search of a Husband. A romance.
London: Purkess and Strange, [1847]. 11 nos. 84 p.
- Adeline; or, the grave of the forsaken. A domestic romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 52 nos. 412 p.
- Adventures of Old Dan Tucker, and his son Walter; a tale of North Carolina.
London: Willoughby & Co. 222 p.
- The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Vidocq.
London: F. Hextall, 1840. 26 nos. 206 p.
- The Adventures of a Vagabond. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 16 nos. 126 p.
- Agnes the Unknown; or, the beggar's secret. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1849. 24 nos. 190 p.
- Alice Leighton; or, the murder at the druids' stones. A Romance of the Eighteenth Century.
London: W. Caffyn. 51 nos. 406 p.
- Almira's Curse; or, the black tower of Bransdorf. A romance.
London: Edward Lloyd and G. Purkess. 25 nos. 198 p.
- Amy; or, love and madness. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1847. 54 nos. 430 p.
- The Apparition: a romance.
London: Edward Lloyd, 1846. 23 nos. 180 p.
- The Negro's Revenge; or, Brulart, the black pirate.
"Romancist and Novelist's Library". London: J. Clements. 7 nos. 49 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.). Barnaby Budge.
London: E. Lloyd, [1841]. 12 nos. 90 p.
- The Black Mantle; or, the murder at the old ferry. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1851. 53 nos. 419 p.
- The Black Vulture; or, the rival brothers. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 7 nos. 54 p.
- The Broken Heart; or, the village bridal.
London: J. Lofts. 49 nos. 396 p.
- Thomas Prest (ed.). The Calendar of Horrors, an interesting collection of the romantic, wild, and wonderful.
London: G. Drake. 91 nos.
- Captain Kyd; or, the wizard of the sea.
London: E. Lloyd. 6 nos. 89 p.
- Pierce Egan. Captain Macheath; or, The highwayman of a century since! Interspersed with numerous racy sketches of celebrated male and female characters.
London: F. Hextall, 1842. 17 nos. 270 p.
- Henry Downes Miles. Claude du Val, a romance, of the days of Charles the Second.
London: Edwin Dipple, [1850]. 29 nos. 459 p.
- Renton Nicholson. Cockney Adventures and Tales of London Life.
London: W. M. Clark and A. Forrester, 1838. 21 nos. 168 p.
- B. Barker , esq. The Commodore's Daughter.
London: E. Lloyd, [1847]. 9 nos. 68 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Coral Island; or, the hereditary curse.
London: John Dicks, 1854. 39 nos. 308 p.
- Prosper Chavigni and Letitia Laferti; or le chemin de traverse.
"Romancist and Novelist's Library". London: J. Clements. 22 nos. 172 p.
- The Death Ship; or, the pirate's bride and the maniac of the deep. A nautical romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1846. 32 nos. 252 p.
- Asmodeus, the devil on two sticks.
"Illustrated standard edition". London: Willoughby & Co. 274 p.
- Henry Downes Miles. Dick Turpin.
London: William Mark Clark. 49 nos. 392 p.
- Renton Nicholson. Dombey and Daughter: a moral fiction.
London: Thomas Farris. 12 nos. 94 p.
- Mrs. M. L. Sweetser. The Double Courtship. A romance of deep interest.
London: Purkiss (sic) and Strange, [1847]. 12 nos. 92 p.
- The Dream of a Life. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 16 nos. 126 p.
- Ela, the Outcast; or, the gipsy of Rosemary Dell. A romance of thrilling interest.
London: E. Lloyd, [1841]. 104 nos. 827 p.
- Ellen Percy; or, the memoirs of an actress. Vol. 1.
London: , 1856. 416 p.
- Ellen T—. Emily Percy; or, the heiress of Sackville. A romance.
London: G. Purkess and W. Strange. 27 nos. 212 p.
- Thomas Prest. Ernnestine de Lacy; or, the robber's foundling. An old English romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1842. 36 nos. 286 p.
- Ethelinde; or, the fatal vow. A romance.
London: G. Purkess, [1848]. 12 nos. 92 p.
- The Commander of Malta.
"Roscoe's library edition". London: Edmund Appleyard, 1847. 30 nos. 235 p.
- The Farmer of Inglewood Forest.
London: Henry Lea. 48 nos. 384 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. Faust: a romance of the secret tribunals.
London: G. Vickers. Paris: A. and W. Galignani. 28 nos. 218 p.
- Eugene Sue. The Female Bluebeard: or The Adventurer.
London: W. Strange, 1845. 20 nos. 306 p.
- The First False Step. A novel.
London: E. Lloyd, 1846. 22 nos. 174 p.
- Florence Graham; or, the pirate's daughter.
London: E. Lloyd, 1847. 34 nos. 270 p.
- The Flying Dutchman, or the demon ship.
London: Foster and Hextall. 12 nos. 96 p.
- Gallant Tom; or, the perils of a sailor ashore and afloat.
London: E. Lloyd, [1849]. 30 nos. 236 p.
- The Gambler's Wife; or, murder will out.
London: Edward Lloyd. 17 nos. 134 p.
- Geraldine; or, the secret assassins of the old stone cross.
London: E. Lloyd. 26 nos. 206 p.
- The Gipsey's Warning; or, love and ruin. An entirely original romance of real life.
London: B. D. Cousins. 20 nos. 156 p.
- The Golden Marriage. A romance of deep interest.
London: G. Purkess and Strange. 10 nos. 77 p.
- The Hampstead Murder; or, the prediction.
London: E. Lloyd, 1845. 12 nos. 92 p.
- The Harvest Home. A domestic romance.
London: E. Lloyd, [1852]. 42 nos. 332 p.
- Faucit Saville, esq (pseud.). The Heads of the Headless. A romance of the reign of Henry Tudor.
London: E. Lloyd. 33 nos. 260 p.
- The Hebrew Maiden; or, the lost diamond. A Chivalric Romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1851. 66 nos. 523 p.
- The Hebrew Maiden; or, the lost diamond. A tale of chivalry.
London: E. Lloyd, 1841. 104 nos. 830 p.
- Helen Halsey; a tale of the borders. A romance of deep interest.
London: E. Lloyd. 10 nos. 78 p.
- Helen Porter; or, a wife's tragedy and a sister's trials. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 25 nos. 196 p.
- Hofer, the patriot of the Tyrol. An historical romance.
London: George Peirce, 1845. 16 nos. 126 p.
- James Cooke. Jack Cade: an historical romance.
London: T. White. 21 nos. 283 p.
- Jeannette and Jeannot; or, the conscript's vow. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 24 nos. 182 p.
- Jessie Arnold; or, the murder at the old well. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1852. 19 nos. 148 p.
- Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 18 nos. 142 p.
- Joseph Wilmot; or, the memoirs of a man-servant. Vol. 1.
London: John Dicks. 52 nos. 415 p.
- Joseph Wilmot; or, the memoirs of a man-servant. Vol. 2.
London: John Dicks. 52 nos. 413 p.
- Julia St. Pierre. A tale of the French Revolution.
London: E. Lloyd. 10 nos. 78 p.
- Kathleen; or, the secret marriage.
London: E. Lloyd, [1842]. 80 nos. 636 p.
- Miss Davenport. Leopold Courteney; or, Love & hypocrisy.
"Illustrated standard library". London: J. Lofts. 44 nos. 356 p.
- The Life and Adventures of Oliver Twiss, the workhouse boy.
London: E. Lloyd, [1839]. 80 nos. 631 p.
- The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist.
London: Willoughby & Co, 1848. 78 nos. 620 p.
- Gabriel Alexander. Lilias, the milliner's apprentice.
London: John Dicks, 1854. 52 nos. 412 p.
- The Lone Cottage; or, who's the stranger? A romance.
London: Edward Lloyd, 1845. 35 nos. 276 p.
- Paul Feval. The Loves of Paris, a romance.
London: G. Vickers, 1846. 21 nos. 171 p.
- Lucretia Borgia; a dramatic tale.
"Romancist and Novelist's Library". London: J. Clements, 1842. 39 p.
- The Maniac Father, or, the victim of seduction. A romance of deep interest.
London: E. Lloyd, 1850. 50 nos. 396 p.
- Manuscripts from the diary of a physician. New series.
London: E. Lloyd. 18 nos. 142 p.
- Mary Price; or, the memoirs of a servant-maid. Vol. 1.
London: , 1852. 414 p.
- Mary Price; or, the memoirs of a servant-maid. Vol. 2.
London: , 1853. 414 p.
- Mazeppa; or, the wild horse of the Ukraine. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1850. 110 nos. 878 p.
- Memoirs of Serjeant Paul Swanston; being a narrative of a soldier's life, in barracks, ships, camps, battles, and captivity on sea and land; with notices of the most adventurous of his comrades.
London: B. D. Cousins. 55 nos. 434 p.
- The Miser of Shoreditch: or, the curse of avarice. An original historical legendary romance Of the Fifteenth Century.
London: [J. Crantz], 1855. 38 nos. 302 p.
- "Bos" maker (pseud.). Mister Humfries' Clock. A miscellany of striking interest.
London: E. Lloyd, 1840. 12 nos. 92 p.
- Moreton; or, the doomed house. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 21 nos. 166 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Mysteries of London. Second series. Vol. 1.
London: G. Vickers, 1847. 52 nos. 416 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Mysteries of London. Second series. Vol. 2.
London: G. Vickers, 1848. 52 nos. 416 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Mysteries of London. Vol. 1.
London: George Vickers, 1846. 416 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Mysteries of London. Vol. 2.
London: George Vickers, 1846. 53 nos. 424 p.
- "Bos". Nickelas Nickelbery. Containing the adventures, mis-adventures, chances, mis-chances, fortunes, mis-fortunes, mys-teries, mis-eries, and mis-celleaneous manoeuvres of the family of Nickelbery.
London: E. Lloyd. 43 nos. 342 p.
- The Novelist: a collection of the standard novels. Vol. 1.
London: Foster and Hextall and J.C. Foster, 1839. 31 nos. 494 p.
- Oliver Cromwell; or, Cavaliers and Roundheads. A tale of the civil wars.
London: W. Strange, 1841. 14 nos. 110 p.
- The Orange Girl of Venice. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 11 nos. 84 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Parricide; or, the youth's career of crime.
London: John Dicks, 1847. 23 nos. 180 p.
- The Patriot's Bride; or, the young colonist. A romance.
London: G. Purkess. 8 nos. 62 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Paul Jones. Vol. 1.
London: F. Hextall, 1842. 340 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Paul Jones. Vol. 2.
London: F. Hextall, 1842. 308 p.
- The Pearl Fisher of St. Domingo. A tale of the buccaniers.
London: Geo. Peirce. 12 nos. 181 p.
- R. Bedingfield , esq. The Peer and the Blacksmith. A tale.
London: R. Thompson, Strange and Berger, [1844]. 50 nos. 588 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds , Esq. Pickwick Abroad; or, the tour in France.
London: Willoughby & Co. 80 nos. 628 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.) (ed.). Pickwick in America! detailing all the remarkable adventures of taat (sic) illustrious individual and his learned companions, in the United States; extraordinary Jonathanisms, collected by Mr. Snodgrass, and the sayings, doings, and mems, of the facetious Sam Weller.
London: E. Lloyd. 44 nos. 350 p.
- Trysail (pseud.). The Pirate's Doom; or, a midshipman's first voyage.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 17 nos. 284 p.
- Poor Mary; or, the love engagement. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 7 nos. 54 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.) (ed.). The Post-Humurous (sic) Notes of the Pickwickian Club. Vol. 1.
London: [E. Lloyd]. 432 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.) (ed.). The Post-Humourous Notes of the Pickwickian Club. Vol. 1.
London: E. Lloyd. 54 nos. 432 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.) (ed.). The Post-Humurous (sic) Notes of the Pickwickian Club. Vol. 2.
London: E. Lloyd. 58 nos. 452 p.
- Posthumous Papers of the Cadgers' Club, containing the lives, characters, and interesting anecdotes, of the members of that celebrated body.
London: E. Lloyd, 1838. 12 nos. 92 p.
- Poz (pseud.). . Vol. 1.
London: .
- The Protector's Secret; or, the Puritan's daughter. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 12 nos. 94 p.
- Wilhelmina Johnson. The Ranger of the Tomb; or, Gipsy's prophecy. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, 1847. 34 nos. 268 p.
- Ellen T—. Ravensdale. A romance.
London: G. Purkess and Strange, [1847]. 15 nos. 116 p.
- Remarkable Trials; including, amongst others, the celebrated cases of Eugene Aram, Marchioness Brinvilliers, Jonathan Bradford, Colonel Fitzgerald, Lord and Lady Somerset, Dr. Dodd, Captain Gow, Elizabeth Canning, the two Perreaus, John Thurtell, Duchess of Kingston, Monsieur D'Auglade, the Rev. Mr. Hackman, Earl Ferrers, Henry Fauntleroy, Richard Patch, Joan Perry & her two sons, Mrs. Brownrigg, Dick Turpin, William Corder.
London: George Vickers, 1851. 17 nos. 264 p.
- Richard Coeur de Lion. An historical romance.
London: George Peirce. 48 nos. 448 p.
- Richard Parker; or, the mutiny at the Nore. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, [1851]. 66 nos. 524 p.
- Gabriel Alexander. Robert Bruce, the hero-king of Scotland.
London: John Dicks, 1852. 56 nos. 443 p.
- Robin Hood and Little John; or, the merry men of Sherwood forest.
London: Hextall and Wall, 1843. 41 nos. 474 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. Rosa Lambert.
London: John Dicks, 1854. 52 nos. 411 p.
- Ellen T—. Rose Sommerville; or, a husband's mystery and a wife's devotion. A romance.
London: E. Lloyd, [1847]. 22 nos. 172 p.
- The Royal Twins; or, the sisters of mystery.
London: E. Lloyd, [1848]. 19 nos. 148 p.
- Peckett Prest Esq. Schamyl; or, the wild woman of Circassia. An original historical romance.
London: Henry Lea, 1856. 52 nos. 420 p.
- George W. M. Reynolds. The Seamstress; or, the white slave of England.
London: John Dicks, 1853. 17 nos. 134 p.
- The Secret Warning; or, the fatal hour.
London: . 8 nos. 63 p.
- The Secretary; or, circumstantial evidence. A domestic romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 25 nos. 195 p.
- "Bos" (pseud.). The Sketch Book containing a great number of highly interesting and original tales, sketches, &c. &c.
London: E. Lloyd. 12 nos. 92 p.
- The Soldier's Wife.
London: , 1853. 206 p.
- The Steward: a romance of real life.
London: W. M. Clark, 1850. 24 nos. 380 p.
- Walter Somers. Stradella: or, the power of song. An Italian romance.
London: Edwin Dipple, 1848. 13 nos. 108 p.
- Henry Villiers. The Stranger's Grave.
London: G. Peirce, 1845. 12 nos. 96 p.
- Paul Eaton. Stuart Sharpe. A romance.
London: G. Berger, 1839. 5 nos. 78 p.
- Sylvester Sound the Somnambulist.
London: W. M. Clark, 1849. 23 nos. 367 p.
- The Unknown Warrior: or, the secret band. A romance of the eleventh century.
London: G. Purkess. 24 nos. 188 p.
- Oliver Goldsmith M. B. The Vicar of Wakefield; a tale.
London: Willoughby and Co. 212 p.
- Vileroy; or, the horrors of Zindorf Castle. A romance of chivalry.
London: E. Lloyd, 1850. 30 nos. 235 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Wat Tyler.
London: F. Hextall, 1841. 55 nos. 874 p.
- Pierce Egan the younger. Wat Tyler.
London: Geo. Peirce, 1845. 55 nos. 874 p.
- Will Watch: a tale of the coast. The narrative founded on fact, and characters drawn from life.
London: W. M. Clark. 47 nos. 380 p.
- William Tell, the hero of Switzerland. An historical romance.
London: T. Paine. 24 nos. 190 p.
- Tales of Travellers; or, a view of the world. Vol. 1.
London: [William Mark Clark], 1838. 65 nos. 520 p.
- Tales of Travellers; or, a view of the world. Vol. 2.
London: William Mark Clark. 54 nos. 439 p.
- Tales of my Landlady.
London: B. D. Cousins. 33 nos.
- The Three Musketeers.
London: G. Vickers, 1846. 16 nos. 132 p.
- H. G. Brooks. The Twin Brothers of Whitehall; or, the mother's curse.
London: B. D. Cousins. 88 p.