A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Periodical

Lloyd's Weekly Miscellany; a journal of domestic entertainment and useful knowledge.
Edward Lloyd
52 nos. 16 p./no. (11 Nov. 1849 – 27 Oct. 1850)BL, BYU
74 nos. 16 p./no. (3 Nov. 1850 – 28 March 1852)BL, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Love and Matrimony. In which I show what a trouble I had in getting settled, and how unsettled I always was when I got settled. (nos. 1-11).
A Flaw in the Diamond. A romance of the affections. (nos. 1-30).
The Duchess. (nos. 12-52).
Cousin Cecil; or, the Wheel of Fortune. A domestic romance. (nos. 30-52).
Giralda; or, the invisible husband. (nos. 1-20).
Heads and Hearts; or, my brother, the colonel. A domestic romance. (nos. 1-33).
The Secretary; or, circumstantial evidence. A domestic romance. (nos. 20-).
Dorinda; or, the miser A domestic romance. (nos. 33-).