A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Periodical

The Illustrated Penny Novelist.
John Cleave
128 nos in 5 vols (only 24 nos in last vol). 16 p./no. (29 Oct. 1842 – 5 April 1845)BL, Bodley, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Magdelene; or, the monk's prophecy. (nos. 1-14).
Helen Danvers, or faith and falsehood. A tale of fashionable life. (nos. 2-13).
The Fire-Fly. A tale of the sea. (nos. 7-13).
Eugene Sue. The Mysteries of Paris. (nos. 7-63).
Desrues, the Poisoner; or, all for gold. The romance of crime. (nos. 16-24).
The Maid of Orleans. An original romance (nos. 27-35).
Victor; or, the child of the forest. (nos. 39-75).
T. J. (sic) Arthur. Bell Martin; or, the heiress. An American story of real life (nos. 43-53).
Malvolino; or, the mysteries of the forest. An Original Romance of the "Wild and Wonderful." (nos. 49-73).
Isabel; or the English maiden. A Romance of Love and Mystery. (nos. 54-86).
Eugene Sue. Paula Monti, or the Hotel Lambert. A Domestic Tale of Modern Life (nos. 59-75).
Frederick Soulie. Memoirs of the Devil (nos. 65-77).
Eugene Sue. The Salamander. A tale of the French Navy, founded on fact. (nos. 71-83).
Anna Boleyn: an historical romance. (nos. 80-89).
Eugene Sue. Arthur; or, the journal of an unknown. A novel of singular character, and deeply absorbing interest (nos. 81-122).
Fredrick Soulie. The Mysteries of the Heaths; or the Chateau de Chevalaine. (nos. 114-128).