A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Publisher

Benjamin Davy Cousins (1795-1884)
18 Duke-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields
Sold plates to:
John Clements
The London Pioneer (London).
The London Entertaining Magazine (London).
The Penny Satirist (London).
Attar Gull.
London: [B. D. Cousins]. 49 p.
Crime and Vengeance: a Tragedy of Real Life.
London: [B. D. Cousins].
The Cross Roads; a romance of real life.
London: B. D. Cousins, 1841. 22 nos. 172 p.
Eliza Grimwood, a domestic legend of the Waterloo Road, with biographical notices of her fair companions; also, sketches of dukes, lords, Hon. M.P.'s, magistrates and her murderer.
London: B. D. Cousins. 40 nos. 318 p.
Eliza Grimwood, a domestic legend of the Waterloo Road, with biographical notices of her fair companions; also, sketches of dukes, lords, Hon. M.P.'s, magistrates and her murderer.
London: B. D. Cousins. 40 nos. 318 p.
The Enchanted Horse.
London: [B. D. Cousins]. 10 p.
The Gipsey's Warning; or, love and ruin. An entirely original romance of real life.
London: B. D. Cousins. 20 nos. 156 p.
Lucretia Borgia.
London: [B. D. Cousins]. 39 p.
Eugene Sue. Martin the Foundling; or, memoirs of a valet-de-chambre.
"Franklin's edition". London: B. D. Cousins. 30 nos. 478 p.
Eugene Sue. Matilda; or, the memoirs of a young woman: a novel.
"Franklin's edition". London: B. D. Cousins. 494 p.
Memoirs of Serjeant Paul Swanston; being a narrative of a soldier's life, in barracks, ships, camps, battles, and captivity on sea and land; with notices of the most adventurous of his comrades.
London: B. D. Cousins. 55 nos. 434 p.
Pride and Vanity; or, the Banker and the Peer.
London: [B. D. Cousins].
The Romance of the Forest.
London: [B. D. Cousins]. 17 nos.
Tales of my Landlady.
London: B. D. Cousins. 33 nos.
The Three Rivals; or, Theodora, the Spanish widow.
London: [B. D. Cousins]. 26 p.
H. G. Brooks. The Twin Brothers of Whitehall; or, the mother's curse.
London: B. D. Cousins. 88 p.