A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Frédéric Soulié (1800-1847)
Translated text:
"Il était temps! ou À quelque chose malheur est bon". Le Siècle (Paris), Aug. 1845-Aug. 1845.

All translations should be considered distinct unless otherwise stated.

Penny Publications

John Taylor Sinnett (1807-1880)
Periodical serialization:
Frederic Soulie. "It Was Time".
London Journal (London): nos. 47-60.British Periodicals Adelaide, Arizona, Auckland, BC, BL, BNE, BNF, BYU, Calgary, Carleton, Chicago, Cincinnati, CUL, Emory, Guildhall, HRC, Illinois, IndState, Lakehead, Manchester, McGill, Meredith, Monash, NAL, Newberry, NLNZ, NLS, NLSA, PennState, RUG, SC, SDSU, SLPL, Syr, TAMU, UBA, UH, UIowa, UMND, UNSW, UWA, UWO, Vanderbilt, Virginia, VUW, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Amelia; or, it was time.
London: G. Vickers, 1846. 190 p.BL

remediation of serialization in London Journal

Indexed in:
King (p. 11)