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A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860
About the Work
- Creator:
- George William MacArthur Reynolds (1814-1879)
Penny Publications
- Periodical serialization:
- G. W. M. Reynolds. "Faust".
London Journal (London): nos. 32-73. Adelaide, Arizona, Auckland, BC, BL, BNE, BNF, BYU, Calgary, Carleton, Chicago, Cincinnati, CUL, Emory, Guildhall, HRC, Illinois, IndState, Lakehead, Manchester, McGill, Meredith, Monash, NAL, Newberry, NLNZ, NLS, NLSA, PennState, RUG, SC, SDSU, SLPL, Syr, TAMU, UBA, UH, UIowa, UMND, UNSW, UWA, UWO, Vanderbilt, Virginia, VUW, Yale
Check library catalogue for exact holdings.
- Edition:
- George W. M. Reynolds. Faust: a romance of the secret tribunals.
London: G. Vickers. Paris: A. and W. Galignani. 28 nos. 218 p.Adelaide, BL, Bodley, CUL, Duke, HAAB, Harvard, NU, NYU, Rochester, SC, UCLA, Yale
- Indexed in:
- King (p. 11)