A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Louis-Élisabeth de La Vergne Tressan (1705-1783)
First edition:
"Flores et Blanche-Fleur". Corps d'extraits de romans de chevalerie (Paris), 1782.
Reprinted text (translation of previous):
William Taylor. "Floris and Blancaflor". Tales of Yore (London), 1810British Fiction 1800-1829.

Penny Publications

William Taylor (1765-1836)
Periodical serialization:
"Floris and Blanchefleur".
The Penny Satirist (London): nos. 294-295.19th Century UK Periodicals BL, BYU, CUL, Gla, Illinois, IUB, Leeds, Newberry, NLA, NYPL, NYU, SLNSW, SLNSW, SLV

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

"Floris & Blanchefleur"
Tales of my Landlady: p. 17-29.BL, Bodley, KU, KU, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.