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A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860
About the Work
- Creator:
- Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)
- Previous publications:
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, life among the lowly". National Era (Washington, D.C.), June 1851-April 1852.
- Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, life among the lowly. Boston: 1852.
Penny Publications
- Periodical serializations:
- Mrs Stowe. "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
London Journal (London): nos. 397-412. Adelaide, Arizona, Auckland, BC, BL, BNE, BNF, BYU, Calgary, Carleton, Chicago, Cincinnati, CUL, Emory, Guildhall, HRC, Illinois, IndState, Lakehead, Manchester, McGill, Meredith, Monash, NAL, Newberry, NLNZ, NLS, NLSA, PennState, RUG, SC, SDSU, SLPL, Syr, TAMU, UBA, UH, UIowa, UMND, UNSW, UWA, UWO, Vanderbilt, Virginia, VUW, Yale
Check library catalogue for exact holdings.
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro Life In The Slave-States of America".
Reynolds's Miscellany (London): nos. 219-236.BL, Bodley, Bodley, CUL, IUB, IUB, OSU, OSU, OSU, OSU, OSU, UKent
Check library catalogue for exact holdings.
- Reprints:
- Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's cabin: or the life of a slave.
London: John Lofts. 17 nos. 267 p.UMSL
- Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Great American Novel.
London: Vickers. 6 nos. 96 p.Bodley, Harvard, UW-Mad
- 380 p.
- Three different issues:
- Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America.
London: C. H. Clarke and Co, 1852. 24 nos.Brandeis, UCLA
- Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America. Cassy's great appeal.
"The People's Illustrated Edition". London: Clarke & Co., Foreign Booksellers, 1852. 24 nos.LMU, NYHistory, NYU, St-Andrews, UCDavis
- Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America.
London: C. H. Clarke and Co, 1852. 24 nos.Illinois
- Indexed in:
- King (p. 29)