A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)
Previous publications:
"Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, life among the lowly". National Era (Washington, D.C.), June 1851-April 1852.
Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, life among the lowly. Boston: 1852.

Penny Publications

Periodical serializations:
Mrs Stowe. "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
London Journal (London): nos. 397-412.British Periodicals Adelaide, Arizona, Auckland, BC, BL, BNE, BNF, BYU, Calgary, Carleton, Chicago, Cincinnati, CUL, Emory, Guildhall, HRC, Illinois, IndState, Lakehead, Manchester, McGill, Meredith, Monash, NAL, Newberry, NLNZ, NLS, NLSA, PennState, RUG, SC, SDSU, SLPL, Syr, TAMU, UBA, UH, UIowa, UMND, UNSW, UWA, UWO, Vanderbilt, Virginia, VUW, Yale

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro Life In The Slave-States of America".
Reynolds's Miscellany (London): nos. 219-236.BL, Bodley, (GB)Bodley, CUL, IUB, (HT)IUB, (HT)OSU, (HT)OSU, (GB)(HT)OSU, (GB)(HT)OSU, (GB)(HT)OSU, UKent

Check library catalogue for exact holdings.

Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's cabin: or the life of a slave.
London: John Lofts. 17 nos. 267 p.UMSL
Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Great American Novel.
London: Vickers. 6 nos. 96 p.Bodley, Harvard, UW-Mad
380 p.
Three different issues:
Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America.
London: C. H. Clarke and Co, 1852. 24 nos.(IA)Brandeis, UCLA
Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America. Cassy's great appeal.
"The People's Illustrated Edition". London: Clarke & Co., Foreign Booksellers, 1852. 24 nos.LMU, NYHistory, NYU, St-Andrews, (GB)(HT)UCDavis
Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Negro life in the slave states of America.
London: C. H. Clarke and Co, 1852. 24 nos.(GB)(HT)Illinois
Indexed in:
King (p. 29)