A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Douglas William Jerrold (1803-1857)
John Gay. "Sweet William's Farewell to Black-ey'd Susan: A Ballad". Poems on Several Occasions (London), 1720.
First performance:
Black-Eyed Susan; or, all in the downs. Surrey Theatre (London), 8 June 1829.

Penny Publications

Thomas Peckett Prest (1810-1859)
E. F. Marriot (pseud.). Black-Eyed Susan; or, the sailor's bride. A nautical romance.
London: Edward Lloyd, 1845. 25 nos. 198 p.BL, Bodley, UCLA
E. F. Marriot (pseud.). Black Eyed Susan, or, the sailor's bride. A nautical romance.
London: E. Lloyd. 610 p.MUN, UF
Indexed in:
Summers (p. 248), Medcraft (78), Block (p. 153), James (p. 153; 185;)