A Database of Cheap Literature, 1837-1860

About the Work

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)
Historical figure:
Giuseppe Balsamo (1743-1795)
Translated text:
"Mémoires d'un médecin: Joseph Balsamo". La Presse (Paris), May 1846-Sept. 1846.

All translations should be considered distinct unless otherwise stated.

Penny Publications

Memoirs of a Physician.
London: George Peirce. 31 nos. 495 p.BL
347 p.
Three different issues:
Alexandre Dumas. The Memoirs of a Physician.
"Roscoe's library edition". London: Edmund Appleyard, 1848. 43 nos.Bodley, Manchester
Alexandre Dumas. The Memoirs of a Physician.
"Roscoe's library edition". London: Edmund Appleyard, 1849. 43 nos.Bodley
Alexandre Dumas. Memoirs of a Physician.
"Cheap library edition". London: E. Appleyard, 1849.Manchester
Indexed in:
James (p. 191)